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Employer Branding
9 min read

Invested Talent: When Your Special Matches Their Special

At Woolly, we see the goal of recruitment as being to hire Invested Talent. And (unsurprisingly) we believe that you need effective employer branding content to get you there.

But what do we mean by Invested Talent? 

Well, we mean hiring people who take an active role in managing and furthering their employment goals. We mean people that have thought about what they want from their employers; about how they want to spend their day-to-day; and what fulfilling employment looks like for them.

We mean hiring talent that have done their research, who’ve taken the time to understand what makes you different from all the other companies out there, and who’ve decided, actively, that you are the right fit for them. We mean people who share your values, missions, and ethos. People who care about what you are doing and where you are going, and genuinely want to be part of helping you get there. 

We mean talent that doesn’t run at the first opportunity.


The benefits of hiring Invested Talent are obvious. 

People who see beyond the job role, who share your values and are passionate about the things you are, are far more likely to stick with you - through the good times, and the challenging ones. The result - greater employee loyalty, higher morale, better candidate fit and, ultimately, lower attrition, lower hiring costs, and a better return on investment.

But how do you recruit Invested Talent? Well, you can’t do it through a job description and traditional recruitment methods alone. No amount of words on paper or calls with recruiters can tell prospective candidates what it is really like to work at your company, to explain what makes you unique, what you can offer them, and why they should choose you.


So, first, you need to think about what makes you stand out from all the others. 

What is different, and special, about your company’s culture and values? What can prospective candidates expect to gain from working with you, beyond the usual salary and benefits, to things like culture, career growth, recognition, social impact and overall work experience. 

Then, you need to find a way to communicate this complex tapestry to prospective candidates. How can you help them understand what makes you special, so they can decide if their special matches your special?

Well, at Woolly, we believe that the best way to do this is through authentic video content that truly showcases what it’s like to work at your company. We mean content that lets your existing employees do the talking. Content that shows off who you are, what you believe in, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the stuff that makes you an all-round great place to work. By focusing on authentic content, you give prospective candidates a real chance to decide if they’re going to thrive in your environment, if you’re going to meet their needs, and if they want to help you meet yours. 

If you can do this, you’re going to stand a fighting chance of recruiting Invested Talent

We won’t pretend it’s easy. But, if you get it right, the pay-offs are huge. The good news? At Woolly, we’re here to help. Set up a chat today.


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